You will see an Anticipated Graduation Date in . This date is not your official graduation date. It may reflect a projected date when you began your program, but it will be adjusted when the Registrar completes a degree audit and confers your degree.
ACE has eight graduation dates per year (and typically one commencement ceremony each year), so your degree conferral is scheduled around those dates. Once you have completed all coursework and internship or student teaching (where applicable), your degree will be conferred by the Office of the Registrar, and you will receive a congratulatory email. If a single item is missing (e.g. review of your capstone or payment on your account), your degree will not be conferred. ACE starts the degree conferral process early, with a degree audit two terms before the end of your coursework. If you stay on track with scheduled courses and submit your capstone with plenty of time for review, then the degree conferral is completed within six weeks after completion of all requirements. Keep in mind that diplomas take longer to arrive in the mail.
Capstone reviews are due in week three of the final course, which gives faculty committees time to evaluate your portfolio. You will have control over when you submit your portfolio and early submissions are allowed. Plan with your capstone chair how you will meet the deadline.